Western Libraries



Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology: contains over 1,300 articles on the cutting edge of chemical technology, with content updated regularly; allows one to Search or Browse through the articles for quick reference and convenience.

Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry:  contains over 1,000 major articles, detailing the science and technology in all areas of industrial chemistry; allows one to Search or Browse through the articles for quick reference and convenience.

Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry: covers all aspects of the subject in 285 alphabetically arranged main articles and plus over 860 short entries that define or explain important concepts, or provide valuable data.

Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering:

Encyclopedia of Analytical Science: emphasize the considerable scope of modern analytical science, and the articles fall into three classes: analysis for particular analytes; analysis of particular types of samples, analytical techniques.

Wiley Encyclopedia of Chemical Biologyreflects the multidimensional character of chemical biology, focusing in particular on the fundamental science of biological structures and systems, the use of chemical and biological techniques to elucidate that science, and the applications of this knowledge in areas as diverse as drug discovery, sensor technology, and catalysis.



CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics: provides chemical and physical property information for a wide range of common chemical substances.

Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook: delivers unrivaled, state-of-the-art coverage of all aspects of chemical engineering—from the fundamentals to details on computer applications and control.

Lange's Handbook of Chemistry: features an enormous compilation of facts, data, tabular material, and experimental findings in every area of chemistry, and lists the properties of approximately 4,400 organic and 1,400 inorganic compounds.

Handbook of Sample Preparation: shows why sample preparation deserves closer scientific scrutiny, and makes a compelling case for colleges and professional laboratories to devote more resources to promote the benefits of its correct application.

Kent and Riegel's Handbook of Industrial Chemistry and Biotechnology: covers green engineering, process safety, utilization of renewable resources, fossil fuels, nuclear power, and many of the major individual components of industrial chemistry.

Uhlig's Corrosion Handbook: serves as a reference for those concerned with the use of materials in applications, including coverage of: corrosion rates of steel in major river systems and atmospheric corrosion rates, and the corrosion behavior of materials.

Handbook of Green Chemistry: covers highly topical areas in green chemistry such as feedstocks, green chemical engineering, green catalysis, separation techniques and solvents, ionic liquids and reactions in water, and covers the big environmental and product design issues faced by chemists.

Polymer Handbook: brings together the data and constants needed in theoretical and experimental polymer research. 

Biofuels Handbook: assists the reader in understanding the options that available for the production of synthetic fuel from biological sources. Each chapter contains tables of the chemical and physical properties of the fuels and fuel sources. 

Book Browsing

Chemistry books are on the 6th floor (stack 6) in the Allyn & Betty Taylor Library with QD call numbers. You may also need to browse other stacks for relevant book titles:

Subject Call # Floor
Biochemistry QU S5
Chemical Tech. TP S2
Environment TD S2

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