Western Libraries

Legal Research

These are the main databases related to Securities Law

Major Legal Databases


From the Canadian Legal Information Institute a free web resource featuring case law, legislation and an expanding  collection of secondary resources.

Nexis Uni

Review Canadian case law content by browsing Sources for the practice area or by drilling through the legal Topic. Look for caselaw digesting services, which may help you to break down your topic or for specialized secondary sources such as Halsbury’s Laws of Canada .

Westlaw Edge Canada

LawSource  provides  access  to  in depth material   for legal research.  The  Canadian Abridgment Case Digests  are reproduced online, are fully searchable and link to the  full-text  decisions.  The  Canadian  Encyclopedic Digest  is  also  reproduced electronically  and  can  be  browsed  or  searched. LawSource  also  includes  select  Carswell  law  reporters (Restricted to Law Students)

WestLaw (Practical Law) Canada


Provides full-text online access to an impressive list of Canadian and international  legal journals.


Legal Citation

McGill Guide

Law 2HR Reserve

KF240 .C354 2018