The following journals tend to contain shorter articles, and you may search them directly from their websites:
Google Scholar
- will get you some quick results, and has an easy search interface
- will give you more than just Earth Sciences, and a lot of garbage results
Off-Campus Access:
- Login to access licensed library resources (e.g., from at home)
GeoRef (database)
- Just Geology & Geophysics; fewer garbage results
- Search by Keyword
- Look at peer-reviewed journal articles (tab in search results)
- Read Abstracts, look at Descriptors
Web of Science (database)
- Less garbage to sift through
- Select Science Citation Index Expanded
- Find out who cited an article; find the most highly cited articles
Scopus (database)
- Less garbage to sift through
- Select Physical Sciences
- Find out who cited an article; find the most highly cited articles
Getting articles:
- Click "Get it @ Western" buttons
- Search the (Classic) Library Catalogue by Journal Title (not journal article title) if the "Get it @ Western" link doesn't work
- Look at the end of the article to find its references
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
- Find out if a journal is peer-reviewed (AKA refereed)