Western Libraries

Knowledge Synthesis: Systematic & Scoping Reviews

Knowledge Synthesis support services are currently unavailable.

Although KS support is not available at this time, members of the University community are encouraged to direct general research help questions to Western Libraries Research Help Appointments service. Please note that questions related to KS methodology, the do's and don'ts of KS, etc., will not be supported. Please also view our Knowledge Synthesis: Systematic and Scoping Reviews research guide for self-service.

This webpage will be updated when the service resumes. Please direct any questions to Kelly Hatch, Acting Associate Chief Librarian, at khatch@uwo.ca.

Book a Consult

Effective September 1, 2023, the Knowledge Synthesis consultation service is no longer available to undergraduate students. If the faculty member(s) you are working with have questions they can reach out to Marisa Tippett, Head, Research and Scholarly Communications

 If you are an undergraduate student looking for research support with database searching or other general research related tasks, check out our Research Help page.

 We continue to offer Knowledge Synthesis consultation services to faculty, graduate students, and MD students.  If you are new to Knowledge Synthesis research, it will be mandatory for you to complete a Research Training Module prior to meeting with the librarian.  All necessary details will be sent to you once you request a consult.

 If you are a faculty member completing a systematic or scoping review and would like to include a Librarian in your research team, refer to our Partner with a Librarian page.

Systematic or scoping reviews

Consultation Service

  • A librarian will provide a consultation on how to conduct a comprehensive search strategy. 
  • The librarian will not be a team member nor create the search strategies.
  • Advises on search strategy which incorporates key terms and concepts (patron has actual references and a search history you can view)
  • Helps reconfigure search question / make sure it’s focused.
  • Meets with research team to clarify search question, identify key terms and concepts, databases to be searched and types of published studies to be located (including grey literature).
  • Instructs on how to keep track of work done (eg. Reminders for saving searches, reference management software, prisma flow chart awareness or other tools)
  • Helps with modification of search strategy across databases (eg. Proper syntax)

*Note: Faculty are not required to complete the mandatory Research Training Package prior to meeting with the librarian.

Request a Consultation