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Handbooks for background research in Linguistics.


Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics

Each handbook in this series covers one of the following topics in linguistics: clinical linguistics, educational linguistics, English linguistics, world Englishes, speech perception, historical linguistics, language variation and change, and linguistics and morphology.

The Cambridge Handbook of Phonology

An electronic resource about current theories and recent developments on phonological research.

The Handbook of Speech Perception

This handbook is a comprehensive examination of the field and is an essential addition to a growing understanding and appreciation of its far-reaching theoretical and clinical relevance.

Key Terms in Linguistics

Linguistics terminology broken down by area of study: phonetics and phonology, grammar, semantics and pragmatics, discourse and text analysis, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, historical linguistics, applied linguistics, stylistics, and corpus linguistics. Also includes chapters on schools of linguistics and key readings.

Oxford Handbooks in Linguistics

This series (greatly expanded from its original 3 titles) covers: comparative syntax, computational linguistics, historical linguistics, and linguistic interfaces. 

The Blackwell Companion to Syntax

This 5-Volume set explores a comprehensive range of syntax topics from an historical perspective. Also available in print. 

Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies

The encyclopedia has two parts, the first covering the conceptual framework of the discipline, the second covering the history of translation in major linguistic and cultural communities. The entries, in alphabetical order, range over a wide variety of topics, practices, and countries. Many are based on previously unpublished research. The work ends with a comprehensive bibliography and index.

The Handbook of Applied Linguistics

Covers applied linguistics, language teaching, and second language acquisition, and presents applied linguistics as an independent discipline that unifies practical experience and theoretical understanding of language development and language in use. Also available in print ScholarsPortal.