Opinion polls are surveys of public opinions. Opinion polls are conducted by soliciting opinions from a sample and then extrapolating those results to make predictions about the opinions of an entire population.
A digital repository and data exploration, extraction and analysis stool for social science data, including polling data. Select the Public Opinion Polls collected to access opinion polls from the 1940s to the present. Includes the Canadian Opinion Research Archive (CORA) and Gallup Canada.
Consolidates statistical data from various sources to provide insights on industries, markets, and consumers. Use the Insights menu to access Market Insights (forecasts and Key Performance Indicators) and Consumer Insights (interactive tool for comparing and analyzing consumer behaviour and attitudes – includes Brand Profiler Tool).
National, not-for-profit, non-partisan public opinion research foundation established to enhance and encourage better understanding of issues and trends affecting economic, social, governance, philanthropy, public administration, domestic and foreign policy in Canada.