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Canadian Data

Access to Statistics Canada Public Use Microdata Files (PUMF)

There are a number of access points available for accessing Statistics Canada PUMF files.  It is important to note that in order to download the data you must either be on campus or authenticate by following the instructions for off-campus access.

Statistics Canada PUMF Files - odesi


CHASS - Census PUMF Files

CHASS - National Household Survey (NHS) PUMF Files (2011).

Statistics Canada - Other Access Methods

In addition to the Data Liberation Initiative (DLI) program, there are access points to Statistics Canada data products through the Continuum of Microdata Access:

Research Data Centre Program

The Research Data Centres (RDC) program is part of an initiative by Statistics Canada, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), and university consortia to help strengthen Canada's social research capacity and to support the policy research community.

RDCs provide researchers with access, in a secure university setting, to microdata from population and household surveys. The centres are staffed by Statistics Canada employees. They are operated under the provisions of the Statistics Act in accordance with all the confidentiality rules and are accessible only to researchers with approved projects who have been sworn in under the Statistics Act as 'deemed employees.'

Real Time Remote Access

RTRA system is an on-line remote access facility allowing users to run SAS programs, in real-time, against microdata sets located in a central and secure location. A full range of descriptive statistics is available through the Real Time Remote Access tool. RTRA users can calculate frequencies, means, percentiles, proportions, ratios, and shares.

Researchers using the RTRA system do not gain direct access to the microdata and cannot view the content of the microdata file. Instead, users submit SAS programs to extract results in the form of frequency tables. As RTRA researchers cannot view the microdata, becoming a deemed employees of Statistics Canada is no longer necessary. This relationship is the basis that allows the RTRA to service its clients rapidly.

International Data

Open Data Repositories

Citing Microdata

Citing Microdata from Other Sources

Author or investigator. Survey title and date (for aggregate data use the table title). Country that the data is collected for or refers to. Data type or format. Location of production or producer. Name of producer. Production date of data. Name of data distributor (if applicable). Date of distribution of the data. Platform or data access provider. Date the file was accessed. URL.

Statistics Canada. Survey of Persons Not in the Labour Force, 1992 [Canada] [Public-use microdata file]. Ottawa, Ontario: Statistics Canada [producer and distributor], 1993. Ottawa, Ontario: Data Liberation Initiative [distributor], 1995. Accessed via ODESI, Jun 14, 2011. http://search1.odesi.ca/details/view.html?q=survey+of+persons+not+in+the+labour+force&field=TI&coll=odesi&date-gt=1871&date-lt=2011&uri=/odesi/spnlf_71M0014_E_1992.xml

This information was adapted from Odesi's guide to data citations.
Data citations – <odesi> disseminated data. (2015). Retrived from http://guides.scholarsportal.info/c.php?g=126711&p=828977