Many of our resources are accessible from off-campus through the library website - you can start with the Research Tools listed on the Business Library homepage. When accessing these you will be prompted to login.
As a member of Western University you may borrow items from any of our libraries, including the Affiliated University College Libraries. Items can also be transferred from any of these locations to the pickup library of your choice and returned to any location.
Important Things to Know:
For full information on regular loan periods, renewals, recalls, and borrowing limits, please see our loan policies.
Borrowing Course Readings
Books that are on course readings at the Johnston Library are located behind the info desk. Please ask staff there if you would like to borrow one.
Adding Course Readings
If you would like to add books or electronic readings to course readings please contact the Johnston Library.
Using Omni, the Library Search Tool, you can now request books for local pick up from any of our partner Ontario universities, giving you the broadest possible access to physical materials for your learning, research, and teaching. With our new Pickup Anywhere service, you can also select any of partner universities as your pickup location.
We welcome suggestions for additions to our collection. You can recommend a purchase at any time.
Looking for a place to start?
Check out our Research Guides to find recommended resources for different topics. Popular guides include:
Search our FAQ: Find Answers Quickly for quick answers to some common questions