In your literature research, you may find many types of information sources including journal articles, conference papers, books and web pages from a variety of information resources. You need to evaluate how appropriate and reliable these sources/resources are used for your research. In addition, you should search and read broadly in a subject area to develop a comprehensive understanding of your research topic, and try to identify highly relevant and credible sources for your literature review.
RADAR is an acronym representing a framework for evaluating information sources, to determine whether or not they are appropriate for your research.
Mandalios, J. (2013). RADAR: An approach for helping students evaluate Internet sources. Journal of Information Science, 39(4), 470-478.
Check the library tutorial video for the Peer-Review Process
Many databases let you limit to peer-reviewed papers. We also use Ulrich's Periodical Directory to find out if a journal is peer-reviewed.
Use the Journal Citation Reports database to find a journal's JIF (Journal Impact Factor) and the rankings of journals in many subject areas.