The goal of the volume is to create a logically organized introduction to the major theorists of the time and a thorough review of the scholarly work about these writers. While specialists in the history of music theory may find new materials in these pages this work is primarily designed for the non-specialist as a practical and basic introduction to the treatises people and scholarship of Medieval and Renaissance theory.
Scholarship pertaining to four centuries of theoretical developments including the Baroque Classical and Romantic periods. In the Dictionary of Theorists, individual entries supply all of the bibliographic information most scholars are likely to require.
...considers all aspects of musical form and its analysis with the broadest possible historical and stylistic palette in this comprehensive bibliography. The form and analysis treatises chapters include publication, original language, English translation, reprint, and bibliographic information for book-length works (including master's theses and doctoral dissertations) that deal with questions of musical form and musical analysis in a significant way.
Contains information on musical forms, genres, terms, treatises, sources, etc. A great place to start your research, the bibliographies at the end of each article will direct you to additional resources.