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Psychology 3313 - Brescia


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Katie Holmes
Allyn & Betty Taylor Library | Western University
Phone: 519-661-2111 ext. 87832

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This guide has been created for Brescia's Fundamentals of Forensic Psychology 3313 course in support of the following assignment:

•15-20 minute oral presentation on a criminal case:
•describing the case (suspect, victim(s), crime, investigation, trial, outcome, etc.)
•discussing aspects of the case that are relevant to forensic psychology (i.e., eyewitness testimony, criminal investigations and interrogations, polygraphs and hypnosis, criminality/psychopathy, criminal responsibility, juries, sentencing, parole, among other topics).

Getting Started:

1. Dismantle your topic. Find the following information first:

  • Legal system/location of trial
  • Parties involved: Accused, victims, lawyers, judges, etc
  • Date of investigation
  • Details of the case: Case number?  Official title?

2. Use the tabs above to locate resources that will help you find primary and secondary information on your case.

3. Research by the location of your case. Many of the resources in this guide organize information geographically (e.g. where did crime occur; where was accused arrested; was it a provincial/federal case, etc).