Western Libraries

Psychology 3313 - Brescia

Canadian Case Law Resources

International Case Law Resources

Also consider:

  • Search court websites for that country.
  • Ask a librarian for assistance.
  • Questions to ask yourself:
    • Will your case documents be in English?
    • Are you sure case information will be available here in Canada?

American Case Law Resources

Case Law Terms

  • Appellant = defendant
  • Respondent = crown/plaintiff
  • In law, intervention is a procedure to allow a nonparty, called intervenor (also spelled intervener) to join ongoing litigation, either as a matter of right or at the discretion of the court, without the permission of the original litigants
  • A headnote is a brief summary of a particular point of law that is added to the text of a court decision to aid readers in locating discussion of a legal issue in an opinion. As the term implies, headnotes appear at the beginning of the published opinion.
  • A table of authorities is part of a legal brief that contains a list of the cases, statutes, and secondary sources cited in the brief. The table of authorities has the page number or numbers on which each authority appears.
  • Precedent is a principle or rule established in a previous legal case that is either binding (you have to follow it) or persuasive (you may follow it) in court

What is Case Law?

Case law is made up of the written decisions of judges in court cases and tribunals.