There are two types of Parliamentary Papers:
1) Papers relating to the agenda and proceedings of Parliament; the Debates and the Journals
2) Papers giving Parliament information for its consideration; the House papers and the Command papers are known as the Sessional Papers.
Thus the major series of Parliamentary Papers are the Debates, Journals, and Sessional Papers.
The Debates, commonly known as Hansard, are the official record of things said in Parliament. Combined with the thirty-six volumes of The Parliamentary History of England 1066 to 1803, the Debates form a continuous record from 1066 to the present.
The Parliamentary History of England 1066 to 1803 is based on past records from 1066 to 1803.
The Debates are based on current records since 1803. From 1803 onwards the form of the Debates has varied. The present version (i.e. verbatim and in the first person) have only existed since 1909.
From 1803 the Debates are bound in sessional volumes, each with its own index. Since 1831 the last volume of the sessions contains a complete sessional index.
Parliamentary History of England 1066-1803 is part of (first 9 reels) the set Parliamentary Debates (Hansard). House of Commons Official Report:
Parliamentary Debates (Hansard). House of Commons Official Report
1066-1803 ................. DBW govt mfilm UK1 PA H12
1803-1820 new series
1821-1830 series 2
1821-1890/91 series 3
1891/92-1908 series 4
1909-1980/81 series 5
1980/81-1984/85 series 6
1988/89 - present
Parliamentary Debates House of Lords
1909-1984/85 DBW govt mfilm UK1 PB H12
1985/86-1994/95 DBW govt mfiche UK1 PB H12