Western Libraries

United Kingdom - Parliament

Parliamentary Papers - Journals

There are two types of Parliamentary Papers:
1) Papers relating to the agenda and proceedings of Parliament; the Debates and the Journals

2) Papers giving Parliament information for its consideration; the House papers and the Command papers are known as the Sessional Papers.

Thus the major series of Parliamentary Papers are the Debates, Journals, and Sessional Papers.

Journals of the House of Commons The Journals are printed each session with a sessional index and written in an explanatory narrative style. The Journals of the House of Commons began in 1547. In addition to describing the House proceedings, many of the parliamentary papers were printed in them. These can be traced through the indexes under such headings as Accounts and Papers, Reports, Committees, House, and Printing. This continued until the start of the 19th century when, because of the greatly increasing numbers of papers, these were transferred to the Journal appendices. By 1835 the papers were printed in the bound sessional sets (Weldon's Readex microprint set) and so ceased to appear in the Journals.

Journals of the House of Lords Each volume of the Journals has its own sessional index. In addition there is a set of General Indexes, each volume consolidating several years of sessional indexes; for the Commons spanning 1714 - 1960; Lords spanning 1509 - 1953
1509-1968 Storage - Use Request Item  UK1 PB J53
Index V.11/19(1660/1714)-176/185(1943/53) ARCC specl ovr UK1 PB J53