Newspapers are excellent for primary source research. All historical newspapers listed below are available online, and include the full-text, full-image content of the original newspapers.
Includes the following titles: Calgary Herald (1883-2010); Edmonton Journal (1903-2010); Hamilton Spectator (1852-2010); Globe and Mail (1844-2018 – content added annually); Montreal Gazette (1785-2010); Ottawa Citizen (1845-2010); Regina Leader-Post (1883-2010); Saskatoon Star-Phoenix (1902-2009); The Province (1894-2010); Toronto Star (1894-2020 – content added annually); Vancouver Sun (1912-2010); Waterloo Region Record (1893-2010); Windsor Star (1893-2010).
Covers a range of communities, with an extensive list of periodicals produced in the United States and Canada, including Alaska, Arizona, British Columbia, California, Nevada and Oklahoma, from 1828 to 2016.
Largest online collection of 18th- and 19th-century newspapers published in the Caribbean. Essential for researching colonial history, the Atlantic slave trade, international commerce, New World slavery and U.S. relations with the region as far back as the early 18th century.
Covers a range of communities, with an extensive list of periodicals produced in the United States and Canada, including Alaska, Arizona, British Columbia, California, Nevada and Oklahoma, from 1828 to 2016.
Includes the following titles: Atlanta Constitution (1868-1945); Boston Globe (1872-1991); Chicago Defender (1907-1975); Chicago Tribune (1849-1998); Christian Science Monitor (1908-2011); Hartford Courant (1764-1997); Los Angeles Times (1881-1999); New York Times (1851-2019); Wall Street Journal (1889-2011); Washington Post (1877-2007).
Selective historical content from 1752 to 2004 for the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, the Bahamas, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and Mexico.
Includes the following titles: North China Herald (1850-1941), Canton Times (1919-1920), China Critic (1939-1946), The China Press (1925-1938), China Weekly Review (1917-1953), Chinese Recorder (1868-1940), Chinese Repository (1832-1851), Peking Daily News (1914-1917), Peking Gazette (1915-1917), Peking Leader (1918-1919), Shanghai Gazette (1919-1921), Shanghai Times (1914-1921).
Newspapers produced by and/or for service members from Allied and Axis forces between 1939 and 1948. Publications are included from many key nations involved in the conflict, such as the US, Canada, New Zealand, India, and the countries of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.