A standard is a "document that provides requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their purpose." (ISO, 2013) Standards that are incorporated into law or government regulations are often referred to as codes.
Standard numbers may include some or all of the following information, appearing in order from left to right (e.g., ISO/IEC 8859-1: 1998):
ACI (American Concrete Institute): We have ACI's Manual of Concrete Practice, a print collection of standards and technical guidelines.
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers): We have 2017 ASME boiler & pressure vessel code : an international code and its companion guides: Vol. 1. & Vol.2. We also have the guide books: Guidebook for the design of ASME section VIII pressure vessels & Continuing and changing priorities of the ASME boiler & pressure vessel codes and standards.
ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials): We have the complete ASTM active standards online, and some older print editions in the RDL or Archives and Special Collections. Check the print index or the ASTM website for information on their standards.
Building Code (aka The Ontario Building Code Compendium, produced by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Building and Development Branch): We have the Building Code 2006 edition in the Taylor Reference collection at call number TH227.O6O56 2007.
CGSB (Canadian General Standards Board): We have the CGSB complete current print versions in the Taylor Reference collection at call number T 59.2.C2 C343. Check the CGSB website for information on their standards.
CSA (Canadian Standards Association): Western Libraries has the complete print version up to 2011 and some new standards purchased on demand after 2011. Find the CSA Standards in the Taylor Reference collection at call number TA368.N383. This collection includes the Canadian Electrical Code, the Highway Bridge Design Code, and a small number of ISO and IEC standards (those that have been adopted as "Canadian" standards). Search strategy: Scroll down to "Location Items" > click on the icon of "filter" > Click on "description" for the drop-down menu for over 3500 CSA standards in our collection. **Western Libraries currently has a one-year trial of CSA on Demand . Check the Quick User Guide by CSA for search tips. To help us evaluate this collection, please provide your feedback by the brief survey .
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineerings): We have the complete current versions of IEEE online.
ISO: Find ISO standards in our collection. Search strategy: Scroll down to "Location Items" > click on the icon of "filter" > Click on "description" for the drop-down menu for our ISO standard collection.
If you are a faculty member or graduate student and need a CSA standard that is not part of our existing collection, please recommend a purchase with specific standard title(s). If you are an undergraduate student, please work with your supervisor or course instructor to request the standard.