Background information can be found in such resources as encyclopedias and dictionaries, bibliographies, discographies and others.
Encyclopedias and dictionaries provide an overview of a particular topic or person, and can lead to further reading through their citations and bibliographies.
This section contains sample items in Western Libraries. This list does not represent everything available from Western Libraries. Additional relevant resources can be found by searching Western Libraries' catalogue, and by including the word(s) "encyclopedias" or "dictionaries" in the Subject field.
By listing and evaluating literature on a topic, bibliographies can lead to high-quality resources to support research.
This section contains sample items in Western Libraries. This list does not represent everything available from Western Libraries. Additional relevant resources can be found by searching Western Libraries' catalogue, and by including the word "bibliography" in the Subject field.
Discographies document the history of recording sessions and releases. They are often be genre-, label- or musician-specific.
This section contains sample items in Western Libraries. This list does not represent everything available from Western Libraries. Additional relevant resources can be found by searching Omni, and by including the word "discography" in the Subject field.
Western Libraries uses Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) to facilitate the discovery of information within Omni. We acknowledge that some of these subject headings contain offensive or discriminatory language. Please see Problematic Language in the Library Catalogue: Statement of Acknowledgement.
Subject headings can be used in Omni to find additional relevant resources. Useful subject headings can usually be identified via one or more of the following approaches: