Western Libraries

Research Impact

Open Access through Library negotiated agreements (free or discounts)

Western Libraries financial support for Open Access

This support includes institutional memberships with Open Access (OA) publishers or organizations that develop open infrastructure. Memberships with publishers often provide a discount on the Article Processing Charge (APC) for Western's researchers.
We no longer provide an OA Fund to pay for APCs.

  • Journals that offer discounts or fee waivers as part of our publisher membership
  • Journals that do not charge fees at all 

The institutional Repository (IR) can also help you meet OA requirements form funders, usually by supplying the author accepted manuscript for hosting in the IR. It's a win win! a copy of the paper in the journal AND a copy in the IR, boosting it's signal and reach! Contact RSCLIB@uwo.ca for more information.

Search Journal Finder to find journals in your disciplines for which we have an agreement with a publisher to provide discounts on the OA fees, or for which the journal does not charge any fees at all. You can search this spreadsheet prior to choosing a journal to publish in, in order to find one where you don't have to pay any fees. Alternatively, you can search this spreadsheet for a specific journal that you may have already decided to publish in, to determine whether you will be required to pay any fees for publication.