Western Libraries

Omni - Academic Search Tool

How do I request materials from other libraries?

Western and Affiliate students, faculty, and staff are eligible to request materials not available from Western and Affiliate Libraries for free via Omni.

If your requested item is not available from an Omni partner, Interlibrary Loan staff will continue to search for another library in Canada or Internationally to supply the item.

Request an Item in Omni from another Library

  1. Sign in to My Library Account in the top navigation bar on the far right.
  2. Find the item you are interested in and select the title to open the full record display.
  3. Select 'Get it from another library' in the How to Get It section of the record.

    Image displays How to get it - Get it from another library button

Request a Physical Item from another Library

  1. Select 'Citation Type: Book'
  2. Select a Pickup Institution and Pickup Location. The Pickup Anywhere service allows you to pick up your books at any of our Omni partner libraries.
  3. Select your preferred pickup university from one of our Omni partners.
  4. Select a location within that preferred pickup university to collect your item from.
  5. Select a local pickup location at Western & Affiliate Libraries (only used if there are issues with delivery to partner library).

  6. Select 'Send Request' to submit.

Request a Book Chapter from another Library

  1. Select 'Citation Type: Book'
  2. Select "I only need a specific chapter or pages". A field for Chapter Title or Page Range will appear to be completed. If you do not include chapter or page information, your request will be cancelled.
  3. Select a Pickup University and a Pickup Location. This field is required; however, your book chapter will be delivered as a PDF to your Western email.

  4. Select 'Send Request' to submit.

Request an Article from another Library

  1. Select 'Citation Type: Article'
  2. Verify the citation information in the form.
  3. Select a Pickup Institution and Pickup Location. This field is required; however, your article will be delivered as a PDF to your Western email.
  4. Select 'Send Request' to submit.

Request using the Blank Request Form

If you are unable to find the item you need in Omni, or already know the citation information, you can use the blank request form to get an item from another library.

1. Select "Interlibrary Loans" from the top navigation in Omni.

2. Complete the form selecting either "Book", "Article", or "Book" plus "I only need a specific chapter or pages" for a chapter or excerpt of a book.

3. ISBN or ISSN is a required field. If the item was published prior to ISBN and ISSN numbers, indicate "unknown" in the field.

4. Select a Pickup Institution and Pickup Location. This will be used to deliver a physical item. If you are requesting an article or book chapter, it will be sent as a PDF to your Western email.


If you have questions about requests or loans for material from another library, email interlib@uwo.ca.