Western Libraries


Business Research Help

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C.B. "Bud" Johnston Library
text: 226-777-3039
call: 519-661-3941


BRC<GO>: research portal (single security)

CF<GO>: company filings

DES<GO>: company description

MGMT<GO>: management structure and profiles

FA<GO>: financial analysis

HP<GO>: historical stock price table

WEI<GO>: world equity indices

EVTS<GO>: events calendar

EQS<GO>: equity screener

ANR<GO>: analyst recommendations

DVD<GO>: dividend summary

COMP<GO>: comparative total returns

CPRP<GO>: credit rating profile

EE<GO>: earnings estimates

MA<GO>:  mergers and acquisitions

RV<GO>: relative value

WACC<GO>: weighted average cost of capital