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Business Research Help

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Bloomberg Keyboard

Bloomberg's keyboard provides quick access to key functions and analysis.

                Bloomberg keyboard


Action Keys (Green Keys)

Enter/Go: Execute a typed command. Equivalent to ENTER and should be used after every function/command to activate a page.

Menu: Navigate to a menu of related functions.

End/Back: Return to the previous screen.

Help: Press once to open help pages.

Search: Search by keyword.

Market Keys (Yellow Keys)

Govt: Securities issued by national governments.

Corp: Corporate bonds.

Mtge: Mortgage market instruments.

M-Mkt: Money market securities.

Muni: US municipal bonds.

Pfd: Preferred securities.

Equity: Common stocks, mutual funds, etc.

Cmdty: Commodities.

Index: Equity and economic indices.

Crncy: Foreign currency.

Port: Portfolio.

Stop Keys (Read Keys)

Esc: Exit the current function.

Pause, Break, Log-off: Login and out of the terminal

Panel Keys (Blue Keys)

Used to switch between the four Bloomberg panel windows.